Our Engagement Photos by Tremont’s Own, Aster & Olive!!!

Hey guys!

I know I promised details of the proposal, but then, we had engagement photos taken, and then our incredible photographer, Angela Bartunek of Aster & Olive, delivered a blog post within 3 DAYS OF OUR SHOOT!!! And I HAD TO SHARE THEM RIGHT AWAY!!!!!!

We opted to start our shoot at our home– Mike bought our little bungalow a little over a year ago and we wanted to memorialize this time in our life together and to remember the humble beginnings of our family and our home. After hanging out at our place, we walked around our neighborhood of Tremont, around City View, and Lincoln Park. It was a chilly, but gorgeous, sunny day & we had a blast!

Here’s a sample– to see the whole post, visit Aster & Olive’s site (click on any photograph below to get to her website) and click on the picture of the adorable dog (that’s Denver!) that says Stephanie & Mike.

 I cannot say enough about Angela– she was incredibly sweet, laid-back, and personable. If you’re looking for some AMAZING photos, get in touch with her– she lives in Tremont! Like I said, she got an entire blog post together in a matter of 3 days and the rest of our images should be ready in 2 weeks. Not only all that, but for quality of her work, she is very affordable!
Happy Thursday!





In The Past 3 Months…

A lot has happened.

Here are the 10 most noteworthy:

1) After 6 years of dating, it finally happened.


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(and almost our entire immediate family was there)


2) Some of our best friends threw us a little party in celebration

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3) I whisked Mike and his family away for a surprise 27th birthday celebration near the Laurel Highlands, PA



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4) Colette dug & dug & dug at the park until she smelled so foul that Mike & I had the car windows rolled down on the freeway and were still gagging from the stench


5) We went to see one of our favorite bands– Gaelic Storm— at the House of Blues on E. 4th Street



6) There was a great, big snow in April….

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7) A 4 hour stand-off occurred directly across the street from us from 12am-4am. The SWAT team was there with their huge tank, and there were policemen 15 feet from our living room windows, on our tree lawn with RIFLES pointing at the house across the street.

swat dog


Yeah, that one kept us up all night… eating rice cakes as we stared out our window watching our own personal version of Jerry Springer, live….

8) Mike & I killed it at Scrabble, opening the game with a 78 point word, and a 98 point word, respectively.


Gotta love those extra points for using all 7 letters!

9) We found a stray kitty on our street & took her in!

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If we I keep taking in stray animals at this rate, we’ll have to open our own shelter!

We were just walking down our street after a nice lunch at the Tremont Taphouse when this little kitty meowed at us & sprinted directly into my arms. I’m definitely more of a dog person, but I felt instant love. We’re going to give her a try & see if she can get along with our pups. We’ve decided to call her “June” after one of our favorite singers, June Carter Cash. June is the most un-cat-like cat I’ve ever known. She’ll let you twist her into any position you want and she just purrs and purrs. She’s estimated to be between 7 months- 12 months old, and was carrying kittens. The poor little thing had miscarriage a couple of days ago :o(. Spay and neuter your pets, people!

10) Mike & I took an incredible trip to Asheville, NC!

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We’d never been before, but we had a feeling we’d love it after having lived in Denver for a couple of years.

And we were right! It’s a beautiful place– the mountains are stunning, the city is bursting with art, microbreweries, & local flavor. It felt like home. In fact, we even visited and booked our WEDDING VENUE while we there!


As far as I can recall, these are some of the most influential things that have happened in my life in the last few months.

In the coming weeks, I plan to share some more pictures and details from our engagement, our trip to Asheville, and some long over-due home improvement photos!

Stay tuned.


Happy Groundhog Day!

It was 1 year ago today that I wrote my first post— what can I say? Groundhog Day inspires me.

Click here to watch a round-up of the best scenes in the movie! (Photo via http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Groundhog_Day_(film))

Click here to watch a round-up of the best scenes in the movie!
(Photo via http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Groundhog_Day_(film))

One of my life goals is to make the trek to the little town of Punxsutawney and partake in the festivities, honoring the furry little Phil. If it’s anything like the jolly happenings portrayed in the movie, Groundhog Day, then I want in on it. People dancing around a bonfire, children on their parents’ shoulders, and Frank Yankovic’s Pennsylvania Polka blasting through the town square…. true, small-town fun.


Well this Groundhog Day, on Sunday, 2014, Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow and predicted 6 more weeks of winter! And I sure believe it– it’s been a blustery, snowy, frigid winter with no end in sight! I can’t complain either– I have to admit, I really love the snow. It makes everything look pure and new and fresh. It’s magical. And I secretly like the cold temps because it gives me an excuse to stay cozy at home and hibernate with my little family.


And today is no exception. Mike, Denver, Colette, and I are currently curled up on the couch drinking hot coffee and watching Bill Murray lose his mind while the snow falls outside.

So, Happy Groundhog Day everyone! And if you’re going anywhere for the Superbowl tonight, don’t forget your booties, ’cause it’s cold out there!

Until next time.
